Tuesday, October 30, 2007

What Is Menopause

As a woman, we have heard the term menopause, but unless you have experienced menopause you do not really understand what the change is about. Sure we laugh at TV shows that make fun of women going through menopause as we expect they are making the symptoms more severe for the effort of makings us laugh, but that is not always the case. Yes, a TV mom going through menopause can actually be dead on for the symptoms you might experience during menopause. Read below to learn what is menopause and some of the symptoms you may experience and to what degree.

First, what is menopause? Menopause is a change your body goes through where your reproductive organs are no longer producing the egg for fertilization. In fact, your body will begin to have fewer periods until you no longer have one. You may still experience the symptoms of a period, but without the actual menstrual cycle. Your hormones are no longer being produced during menopause at a balanced rate. This is because your body is telling you; you do not need these hormones because you are no longer of the childbearing age. Most of the time you need to take a hormone replacement to help wean your body off the expected hormones.

When you no longer receive these hormones, your body begins to experience hot flashes, mood swings, headaches, fatigue, and weight gain. Keep in mind these are just a few of the symptoms.

So now that you know what is menopause, what can you do to help you through the change?

There are two methods of treatment natural and manufactured. You will want to seek the treatment that you are most comfortable with. If you are wary of the side effects of manufacture red pills and vitamins, you should understand the natural method, which has been around for several centuries.

By natural method, we mean naturally produced vitamins, foods, and medicines that will help you deal with the symptoms of menopause. For instance, hot chocolate has been known to reduce hot flashes and night sweats if you drink it before bed as well as help with insomnia. This may seem a better method than chancing an addiction to sleeping pills.

What is menopause is a great question to ask your doctor when you believe you are nearing menopause. Menopause usually occurs after the age of forty, but this is not guaranteed. You will want to learn about menopause as early as possible so you can understand the signs and symptoms you will see.

You can also find more info on Early Menapose Symptoms and Menopause And Depression. Menopausesymptomshelp.com is a comprehensive resource to know about Menopase Symptoms.

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