Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Bunions A Boney Toe Problem

Bunions or Hallux Valgus as this condition is commonly called in the medical community are a source of foot pain and deformity in many Americans todayparticularly women.

One of the most common causes of problems of the forefoot, bunions appear as a bump at the base joint (metatarsophalangeal joint) of the big toe and often are swollen and sore. The big toe can drift over towards the remaining toes as the bunion enlarges, particularly placing pressure on the second toe. A bunion develops most often in women and is thought to be primarily related to wearing ill-fitting shoes.

Why then do women wear ill-fitting shoes since this habit can lead not only to the development of a bunion but to the development of other foot maladies such as corns, calluses, and such? Well, the answer is quite simpleto look fashionable! Seems to me, if the shoe makers of the world really wanted to have a booming business then they would design fashionable womens shoes that looked phenomenal and felt like house slippers when you put them on. But, I digress.

Even though bunions can be hereditary, most often bunions are related to wearing shoes that are too tight, too narrow and too high causing pressure on the natural anatomy of the forefoot. The joint at the base of the toe flexes with every step and continued pressure on this area causes the joint to continue to enlarge causing increasing pressure, pain, swelling and redness.

The skin over the bunion can become quite sensitive and red and may even become infected. Bunions can even get to the point when walking is difficult and surgical intervention is the only resolution.

A bunionette or Tailors Bunion can develop on the joint of the little toe along the outside of the foot. Again the cause of the bunion is the same, most often poor fitting shoes resulting in increased pressure on the forefoot, but in this case the little toe drifts inward towards the big toe.

The very best treatment for a bunion is prevention. If that is not possible, then the next best treatment for a bunion is to wear shoes that have a wide toe box allowing ample room for the toes to move around and to avoid getting pressed together causing them to overlap.

Warm Epsom salt soaks, bunion pads, bunion night shields, bunion bandages, and even orthotics can provide temporary relief of pain but it is making the decision to wear properly fitting shoes which is the best treatment decision of all.

For more important information on sore feet visit where you will find advice on common foot pain causes such as foot corns, ingrown toenails, and more.

Article Source:

Motel Inn

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